Who Are We ?

Maharashtra Association of Pesticides Poisoned Persons (MAPPP) is a collective of pesticide poisoned victims, kin of those who died, farmers and supporters in Maharashtra. MAPPP was formed in Yavatmal district in 2018, following the unfortunate incidents of pesticide poisoning of farmers and farm workers by inhalation and contact exposure while spraying pesticides.  MAPPP is committed to securing justice for victims of pesticide poisoning and ensuring accountability for agrochemical companies. MAPPP undertakes collective action with communities, civil societies, government and international institutions to prevent, harmful impact of pesticides and agrochemical usage, among other things. Its activities include increasing awareness, education, economic relief and action against toxic agrochemicals, through united efforts.

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The activity report since the formation of MAPPP was presented in the 3rd annual general meeting held in Yavatmal on 31st January 2021.

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Global Pesticide Poisoning report, 2020

“Based on a worldwide farming population of approximately 860 million this means that about 44% of farmers are poisoned by pesticides every year. The greatest estimated number of UAPP cases is in southern Asia, followed by south-eastern Asia and east Africa with regards to non-fatal UAPP”.

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